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"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you ..." Jeremiah 1:5




Amygdal Ministries is an inter-denominational Christian ministry.

We are a group of Christian women with hearts to help other women, through our own vulnerabilities, experience relationship with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


We are Bible-believing, Christ following and Holy Spirit filled women who believe God has given each of us spiritual gifts to encourage and strengthen God’s daughters to fulfil His purposes for their lives.


We believe in living a grace-filled life where we look to Jesus as our only source of forgiveness.


We believe in holding ourselves accountable to each other and to our church leaders.


Through community with each other, our hope is for God to use us, lead us and guide us to help birth dreams, purpose and ministries amongst women.






There is so much courage in that amazing God-made heart of yours. Do you see it?

Do you hear it beckoning you to cross the river and climb the mountain before you?

It is there, even if you can’t feel it, even if the river looks too deep and the mountain too high.


Take courage dear heart because deep within you there’s a longing, a yearning for something more -
- to love more
- to give more
- to learn more
- to be more.


Perhaps, just perhaps this is your time to take hold of that courage, to find it, to embrace it and welcome it and step into your dreams with it. Perhaps your uniqueness, your gifts, your journey and your story have a purpose for such a time as this. Perhaps your dreams are ready to be discovered or lived for the One who gave you life and gives you freedom to be just who you are because of whose you are.


Do you hear the gentle soft Holy Spirit whisperings, those heartfelt spirit stirrings over you, His call?
They are not meant to be contained. Instead they are meant to be lovingly spoken, lovingly released and lovingly nurtured because they are the lovely beginning of God’s purpose birthed in you. They are his dreams in you, His passions in you, His anointing in you, His great big, amazing, incredible plans for you – all for His glory.


You really are courageousness enough to answer His call because He has given you the courage and the power to do it. So what if you did, what if you do – right now – take a step to answer what God is calling you to be and to do?


Don’t squash those God-given thoughts, God-given ideas and God-given words and possibly miss the very thing He has to tell you that will break through and break open new beginnings that you have been created for and born for. Dear beautiful one, it really is time to simply receive His heart- messages for your life. Step out courageously to discover what those spirit-filled heart messages are prompting you to do next for Jesus.



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